Forces drill for border skirmish

In Sukhothai, army and air force team practice live-fire.

Forces drill for border skirmish
In Sukhothai state on Thursday, a joint air power and military drill started. ( Photo supplied/Wassana Nanuam )

In a simulated conflict to deal with a boundary issue, a joint air force-armed drill was conducted on Thursday in Sukhothai territory to synchronize ground forces and heat support.

Defence Minister Sutin Klungsang took the shots during the exercise. The Third Army Area’s teaching facility was where the practice was held.

The 1st Cavalry Division’s annual teaching included it. Apparently, there was no need for extra funding for education.

The drill, based on a technique involving combined ground and air force procedures, has been implemented in cycles since November.

It was established on the basis of a military contract to promote more education workouts’ exchanges.

The ground troops included 30 Stingray gentle tanks, 16 M113 armoured personnel carriers, Scorpion gentle tanks, six 105- millimetre weaponry pieces, six 120mm rocket launchers, as well as 600 soldierss.

( Photo supplied/Wassana Nanuam )

The air power, however, operated one DA- 42 unmanned aerial vehicle, four F- 16 jets from Nakhon Sawan Wing 4, three T- 50 TH jets, two EC- 725 helicopters and 20 personnel from a ahead weather control unit and a combat control unit.

Additionally, the drill made use of cutting-edge technology for a more accurate simulation. A portable air support system and digital mapping of the targets were provided by the headquarters of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.

In a” Red” nation’s simulated battle, a” Blue” nation imposed a purge of minorities and opposition groups close to the border and forced them into a” Blue” territory.

” I am satisfied with the training. No errors were detected, indicating high efficiency and a satisfactory performance ]of those operating the drill ]”, Mr Sutin said.

He claimed that there was no communication between the ground and the air forces during this exercise. Although that was a flaw in the past, there have been improvements.

In the event of wars, many nations have recently upgraded their military capabilities.

The army is trying to explain to society the necessity of putting money aside for the purchase of military equipment. We’re hoping to gain public approval”, said Mr Sutin.

He said,” This is not about buying additional equipment; it is about replacing worn-out ones when necessary.” Military aircraft are gradually decommissioned for the air force, so replacements are of the utmost priority.

The fighter jet procurement project for fiscal 2025 would proceed as planned, he added.