Firms must ensure that any picture about the price of a good or service as being” S$ 0″ or “free” is no false or misleading, CCCS said.
Any obvious representation had expressly and explicitly reflect the choices made by consumers.
Any tournament, exclusion and extraneous cost may be stated prominently along with the ,” S$ 0″ or “free” declare.  ,” A general statement such as ‘ terms and conditions apply’ is no typically sufficient”, CCCS said.
An average consumer should know that “free” means that nothing will be charged when a business offers “free” services to attract the customer to try a service, according to CCCS CEO Alvin Koh.
Businesses must make sure their statements are correct, they say. For consumers to make knowledgeable purchases and for all businesses to compete pretty, transparency in pricing is essential.
The , Consumers Association of Singapore, or CASE, supports , the police actions by CCCS, its leader Melvin Yong said in a post on Facebook.
Call the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore to include similar instances of deceptive advertising reviewed.