Food delivery rider who doubled as religious teacher admits sexual offences against 15-year-old girl

SINGAPORE: When a person learned that her coworker, a food delivery driver, also teaches religion, she sent her four kids to his house to take religious teachings.

The instructions were meant in piece for her 15-year-old girl, who often ran away from home, but the 60-year-old man’s level eventually became a place for him to sexually abuse the lady over three decades.

It later emerged that he had a lengthy string&nbsp, of past&nbsp, convictions, ranging from fraud and drugs, and had been released from a stay of protective detention- a word for refractory offenders to protect the public from them.

Kamsari Jumari, 62, entered a plea of guilty on Monday ( Sep 9 ) to four counts of exploitative sexual penetration of a minor. Another 11 fees may be considered in punishment.

According to the prosecution, he was a “menace to community” and the public needed to be kept safe from him. He was requested to spend the greatest 20 years in protective detention.

Kamsari is over 50 and cannot be caned, so the defense rather requested 15 years in prison and eight more in addition.

THE Event

The victim’s family got to know Kamsari in delayed 2021 as they both delivered foods. She was informed that his home-based groups included those held by him as well as his spiritual teachings.

In January 2022, the target ran away from home, prompting her family to house a police report.

She sought Kamsari’s aid to look out for the child, who was in Extra 4.

After the officers brought the woman house, her mother confided in Kamsari, saying she generally ran away. &nbsp,

Then Kamsari suggested that she attend his spiritual groups.

The victim’s family and her husband discussed the situation and made the decision to take her daughter and her three younger sisters to Kamsari’s apartment for spiritual lessons.

She paid Kamsari about S$ 500 ( US$ 384 ) for her four children to be taught between January 2022 and April 2022.

Nevertheless, Kamsari developed a” physical interest” towards the target shortly after she started attending his lessons.

Between January and February 2022, the target and her sisters went to Kamsari’s straight for the lessons.

Kamsari called the target into a room for” a consultation program” while the victim’s relatives were watching television in the living space.

He finally inquired about her sexual desires and displayed a pornographic videos on his phone to her.

He continued to speak with the child while having sexually explicit conversations with her after that.

He would abduct her by calling her into the room while her relatives were watching tv in the living space.

This progressed to “increasingly overbearing” works. The child resisted Kamsari’s advice to never tell anyone because she thought she was “making a error” and feared punishment from her parents.

Kamsari advised the girl to avoid having “normal sex” and to refrain from performing various sexual acts in place.

In March 2022, the sufferer ran away from home and stopped attending Kamsari’s groups.

Around Apr 13, 2022, the defendant’s family told Kamsari that the lady had returned house.

She had recently confessed to him that she had consumed beverage, so Kamsari said he was concerned about the child.

On his request, the victim’s family provided the defendant’s smart number, hoping Kamsari may guidance and information the child.

The child was in school the following morning when Kamsari contacted her on Telegram. He inquired if her mother had checked her communications and suggested using the Telegram chat app to talk instead because it was “more private.”

He was aware of the fact that he could remove Telegram messages and that he did not want the sufferer to see the messages he had sent.

On Apr 17, 2022, the defendant’s mother checked her mother’s phone and was shocked to discover biologically obvious Telegram messages between Kamsari and her child.

In addition to asking the child to participate in a “project” involving sexual acts with him, Kamsari also emailed her if she wanted to watch a film of his companion having intercourse with her father.

The victim’s family confronted her child. The child went to the police station the same day after discovering that Kamsari had sexually assaulted her during spiritual classes.


Sruthi Boppana and Colin Ng, the deputy public prosecutor, requested a report be called to evaluate Kamsari’s eligibility for protective confinement.

According to Ms. Boppana, spiritual teachers “play a revered and important role in the community,” serving as role models and sage, but Kamsari” significantly betrayed this sacred trust.”

She claimed Kamsari is a” job legal” with a long history of previous convictions, most recently for robbery. In 1977, he was given probation.

His most recent statement came in August 2012, when he was placed in eight years of preventive detention for using illegal substances and disrespectful a woman’s modesty.

Additionally, he had sex crimes against two girls between the ages of 11 and 12.

Ms. Boppana claimed Kamsari is a sexual predator who strays from women under his care who are insecure.

According to Ms. Boppana,” He has once more demonstrated himself to be nothing short of a threat to society,” adding that the only way to keep Kamsari’s population safe and from harm was to ensure that he is kept away for as long as possible.

SOME SORT OF ROMANTIC Marriage: Military

Under the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme, Mr. Lee Shen Han of Bonsai Law represented Kamsari.

He said there was” some sort of a romantic relationship” between Kamsari and the target, and that he was really concerned about her.

He said the” unexpected nature” of one event could be gleaned from how it occurred with Kamsari’s family just outside.

Kamsari, according to Mr. Lee, did not lock or close the door.

He stated that Kamsari had a” colourful record,” but he also stated that he would spend the rest of his life in captivity. Additionally, he stated that an expanded sentence of imprisonment or the lawyer’s recommendation for 20 years of preventive detention “more or less indicates that he would spend the rest of his normal life in prison.”

Mr Lee said his client was” not beyond redemption and too recalcitrant for reformation”, and said there was no “violent crime” in his past convictions.

Mr. Lee argued in his mitigation plea that Kamsari has a loving fiance who has regularly visited him while he is remanded.

After his release, they intend to get married. Before being remanded, Kamsari had three children from his previous marriage and was a grocer.

He continued, notifying the victim’s mother that Kamsari was not a recognized Islamic religious teacher under the Asatizah Recognition Scheme.

According to Mr. Lee, the victim’s mother was aware that Kamsari had no credentials when she hired him.

The degree of abuse of position and breach of trust is not as high as that of a proper teacher-and-pupil relationship, he said.

Justice Dedar Singh Gill argued that Kamsari should be held in custody for a significant amount of time as it would be best for the protection of the public.

He called for a report to be submitted on Kamsari’s physical and mental condition, as well as his suitability for preventive detention.

Sentence was postponed until after the report is released.