Food delivery rider who deliberately placed pork on shelf at mosque entrance jailed 12 weeks

A meals delivery driver robbed two cans of meat from a retailer and placed them on a table near the mosque’s gate. &nbsp,

Ian Poh, 30, did thus consciously, knowing that Muslims are forbidden from eating meat and that his behavior would rage the community&nbsp, at Masjid Al- Ansar.

Poh admitted to one count of robbery and to committing an act he knew would harm the preservation of cooperation between various religious or cultural groups and was given a 12-week prison sentence on Thursday ( April 4). &nbsp,

On May 15 last year, Poh walked out of a&nbsp, Sheng Siong Supermarket at Upper Changi Road without paying for two cans of pork worth S$ 9.50 ( US$ 7.05 )

Around 10 o’clock, he cycled to Masjid Al-Ansar in Bedok North and placed the two bacon cans on an outdoor table destined for food delivery. &nbsp, &nbsp,

The accused knew that the consumption of bacon was forbidden in Islam. According to court documents, he more knew that his actions may aggravate the Arab group in Masjid Al-Ansar. &nbsp,

The second congregants to the shrine who were there for night prayers discovered two cans of bacon on the shelf the following morning, around 4:30 am. &nbsp,

” They were shocked and offended, and immediately took a picture of the two cans of bacon, before throwing them into the rubbish bin nearby”, according to court documents. &nbsp,

The congregants complained to the mosque personnel, and other congregants reported hearing about the bacon. They also told the personnel that they were offended and insulted. &nbsp,

They added that attending a place of Muslim devotion was an indifferent action. &nbsp,

After that evening, the police received information about the incident. After studies, authorities officials identified Poh on May 17 and arrested him. &nbsp,

Poh told the investigating officer that he believed that the Arab community may be offended by what he had “he heard in his mind” and that officials had evaluate his statements. &nbsp,

Poh spent the entire month of May at the Institute of Mental Health for clinical examination and study. &nbsp,

According to his medical report, Poh had earlier medical incidents that occurred in June 2021 and again in April 2022. On both occasions, Poh had heard tones which told him, among other things, to kill himself. &nbsp,

He even had a history of substance abuse for sniffing glue, consuming cough honey and using methamphetamine.

Poh’s schizophrenic symptoms were identified as being a result of a substance-induced psychotic condition, and the report determined that his crimes had been brought on by his psychotic symptoms. &nbsp, But, he was found to be of good thoughts and fit to plead guilty. &nbsp,

Prior to his sentencing, the court had ordered Poh’s suitability for a mandatory treatment order ( MTO ) be assessed. An MTO orders a person who has one of a kind of preventable psychiatric condition to go to medical care.

In response to the MTO report released on Thursday, Deputy Public Prosecutor Cheah Wenjie stated that Poh had been determined unsuitable for two reasons: he was unable to take legal action for his substance misuse and lacked a administrative advisor who could assist him. &nbsp,

Mr. Cheah also made the point that Poh knew that consuming drugs may make him hear voices and that the substances he deliberately used were the cause of his psychotic episodes. &nbsp,

Poh’s deliberate use of ingredients, also knowing that the effects may be dangerous and grave, was an aggravating issue, Mr Cheah said. &nbsp,

In terms of the crimes, Mr. Cheah claimed that Poh had “patternically threatened to use meat to attack Religiously” and had defiled a place of worship. &nbsp,

He cited Poh’s reports, which revealed that he had earlier threatened to put meat on his Muslim ex-girlfriend’s flat, and that he had mentioned throughout their one-year partnership that he would do the same at the minaret, which he later disclosed. &nbsp,
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Due to the deliberate crime Poh committed at a place of worship, District Judge Kenneth Chin described the situation of the crime as “highly aggravated” and “highly aggravating.” &nbsp,

Singapore’s social material depends on it’s religious and cultural harmony, and efforts to maintain it should not be taken for granted, the prosecutor said. &nbsp,

” Crimes that jeopardise the basis of such cooperation should be tightly dealt with”, he added, noting that Poh’s steps had disturbed the congregation. &nbsp,

Addressing Poh, the judge then said:” I hope that you have learned your lessons from this episode and please stay ( away from ) trouble upon your release” .&nbsp,

Poh may have received a three-year prison sentence, a fine, or both for committing an act that impairs the preservation of cooperation between various racial or religious organizations. &nbsp,

For robbery, he could have been jailed up to seven years, and fined. &nbsp,