Fix sought for repairs delay following fireworks blast

Fix sought for repairs delay following fireworks blast
The Narathiwat district’s Sungai Kolok district’s structures were damaged by the fireworks explosion next year. Border Patrol Officers System 4414

After the work was halted because of a violation of purchasing rules, the authorities are looking for a way to remain rebuilding the homes that were destroyed by an explosion at a lights warehouse in Narathiwat’s Sungai Kolok area.

The blast, which occurred on July 29 final month, damaged 649 properties belonging to residents of the Muno business community.

Some of the damaged homes have been repaired, and the users have re-established their residences.

But, 79 other apartments that were also ruined by the blast have not been restored.

The Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Department’s ( DPMD) Narathiwat office is responsible for breaking the Comptroller General’s ( CGD ) guidelines on the use of procured funds, which causes the halt and delay in the restoration of the damaged houses.

According to reports, the DPMD’s Narathiwat business acted very early, using its 49, 500- baht budget for each house and a 100- million- baht budget from the Prime Minister’s Office fund for reconstruction to repair the damaged homes as soon as possible.

The decision was in contravention of the CGD’s purchasing rules, which prohibit the use of funds from the Prime Minister’s Office to finance this specific type of reconstruction work.

Wasan Chaithaweewong, commander of Narathiwat’s DPMD company, said the block in the restoration of the 79 houses is necessary because of the violation, even though many contractors have shown involvement in buying for it.

If he and the DPMD office allowed the bidding to occur, they may be held fully accountable, so the agency would wait until the CGD’s decision to resolve the problem and let the reconstruction to proceed legally.