The statement added that as large numbers of “baby boomer” reach the age of 65, the proportion of elderly people is increasing, and at a faster rate than the last ten.
As of June this year, the median time for the people was 43.4 years older, away from 43 the previous year. This has increased rapidly over the past ten years, from 40.4 times in June 2014.
Now, 60.4 per cent of people are aged between 20 and 64, along from 64.8 per share in 2014. Nearly one-fifth ( 19.9 per cent ) of citizens are aged 65 and above, up from 12.4 per cent a decade ago. By 2030, around one in four citizens ( 24.1 per cent ) will be aged 65 and above.
The number of people aged 80 and below even increased by about 65 per share, from 85, 000 in 2014 to 142, 000 this year.  ,
The emigration rate is still being “measured and secure,” according to the report. Last year, 23, 472 people were granted citizenship and 34, 491 were granted permanent residency ( PR ).
About 5.7 per share of the novel Singapore people, or 1, 332 of them, were children born abroad to Singaporean families.  ,
The average number of new citizenships and permanent residencies granted per year over the last five years ( 22, 400 citizenships and 32, 600 permanent residencies ) was slightly higher than over the preceding five years ( 21, 600 citizenships and 31, 100 permanent residencies ).  ,
The precise amount granted each year depends on a number of factors, including the number and quality of programs received, according to the report.