While parliament will have the final say after deliberating review rules, health authorities are against longer hours.

A government panel is steadfast in recommending that liquor sales days been extended, citing a rise in fatalities and road mishaps.
As the matter affected some people, Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsutin said the agency’s alcoholic beverage power committee took statistics about street accidents and associated legal issues into consideration.
The committee does not aid extended hours, but the minister claimed that the minister’s five draft alcoholic beverage legislation are still pending in parliament.
Mr. Somsak made the remarks after taking the panel’s chair on Tuesday at the government.
Now, sales of alcoholic beverages are allowed in outlets between 11am and 2pm and between 5pm and evening, or 10 hrs a day. Alcoholic beverages may be sold at bars, restaurants, and bars as long as the hours are set by the country where they are regulated.
The screen was given a briefing from the Disease Control Department, which included Thongchai Keeratihattayakorn, the director of a pilot project whereby alcohol sales were cut by two days in five important tourist places: Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chon Buri, Phuket, and Koh Samui.
The improvement, which became effective next December 15, was related to the idea that roughly 1,800 pleasure establishments could remain open until 4am. According to Dr. Thongchai, alcohol sales hours may be extended to 2am on the notion that this would increase revenue for nightspot companies and encourage commerce.
However, a study showed a substantial increase in road accidents and fatalities, particularly between 2am and 6am. According to Dr. Thongchai, it has n’t been decided whether to extend the hours for nightspots in other locations.
According to panel member Dr. Kumnuan Ungchusak, a clearing-house for compulsory motor insurance, the number of fatalities in road accidents in the pilot areas in January increased by 31 % compared to the same period last year.
The Alcoholic Beverage Control Act does not cover the beer sales that are made at retail between 2 and 5 pm. It was contained in a 1972 revolution government statement and has never been overturned.