Evasive father or lying daughter? Court hears closing arguments in rape trial

SINGAPORE: On Monday, February 5, the prosecution and defense in the case of a man who was charged with raping his daughter after years of sexual victimization made their closing arguments. The prosecution painted the defendant as an ambiguous and confrontational witness, and the defense poked holes in his testimony.

The 37-year-old man was charged with 13 crimes against his natural daughter, including sexual abuse, aggravated assault, and showing his daughter pornography. The prosecution urged the judge to indict him of all 13 charges.

The man’s child, according to a group of prosecutors led by Deputy Public Prosecutor David Khoo, was an exceedingly encouraging witness who could give thorough and nuanced accounts of the numerous incidents against her as accusing the accused of “assassinating” the character of his own daughter.

Ramesh Tiwary and Cory Wong, two defense attorneys, argued that the trial had not established its situation and pointed out discrepancies in the alleged victim’s accounts, alleging that she was lying in all of her claims. They also urged the judge to exonerate their customer of all charges.

According to the prosecution’s case, the man” carefully groomed” his daughter starting in school, starting with the acquisition of an immoral act in the restroom and culminating in assault in August 2019 when the lady was 12 years old.

The trial claimed that the child was exposed to movie from a young age and engaged in self-harm. The lady herself, her friends who she had told about the sexual acts, and her professor who saw breaks on her wrist were among the witnesses called for the lawyer’s situation.

The defense’s case was characterized as” all or nothing,” meaning that he refuted each and every sexual abuse charge. The accused testified about how she allegedly started lying at a young age in support of the lawyers ‘ claim that the girl was lying.

To demonstrate that their buyer had been preoccupied with work and had not had time to cook with his daughter as promised that evening, the attorneys specifically produced text messages pertaining to an alleged sexual assault incident that occurred while baking cookies.

A sex toys was involved in another incident that involved a lot of paint. It was allegedly discovered close to his sister’s bed, according to the accused.

With records presented to the court, he claimed to have bought the toy to surprise his wife on their anniversary about a quarter earlier in August 2019.

However, the trial persisted in asking him why he chose not to use it on his wife and continued to keep it a secret from her even after the celebration.

Instead, he was accused by the prosecution of using it on his daughter and often intending to do so.


Despite the fact that the alleged victim was only 15 at the time and had a lot of situations to understand, Deputy Public Prosecutor David Khoo urged the judge to remember how she had given her best effort to give information on Monday.

According to Mr. Khoo,” When your honor evaluates her evidence, I implore you to consider it from the perspective of a child victim who has experienced this… tragic experience.”

Depending on how and when the questions were asked, he said, it would be expected that her testimony may differ. She might possess occasionally forgotten some information, according to Mr. Khoo.

The sex toys, according to Justice Valerie Thean, was a crucial component of the information. The girl, however, had admitted to a doctor that she had been sexually assaulted five days in June 2019 and had expressed similar sentiments to her buddies.

The investigating officer did, nevertheless, testify that the sexual products in question were only bought on August 20, 2019.

That’s pretty important, straight?” said the judge.

Mr. Khoo clarified that the child had been referring to sexual acts rather than a sexual toy with her friends. She “lost her virginity,” according to Mr. Khoo, when she told one of her companions at the beginning of September 2019.

He emphasized that the purpose of the doctor’s appointment was to examine the child for evidence of abuse rather than to obtain a full account of sexual abuse by saying that it “must have been an error” for the young woman to show him the sex toys was used on her in June.

In their written entries, Mr. Khoo and his associates, the prosecution Tay Jia En and Ms. Kelly Ng, claimed that the profile of the purported victim had a “ring of truth.”