EC warns Senate candidates to behave

Polling station on large alert to ensure a smooth last round of voting on Wednesday.

EC warns Senate candidates to behave
On June 16 at the Centara Life Government Complex Hotel &amp, Convention Center, municipal individuals in Bangkok cast ballots. The winners may engage in the last, national round of voting on Wednesday. ( Photo: Varuth Hirunyatheb)

As Wednesday’s final national stage of voting approaches, the Election Commission (EC ) has threatened to punish candidates who violate any laws in the Senate election.

At Muang Thong Thani in Nonthaburi, 2, 995 candidates will compete for 200 votes out of 2,995 who passed the provincial-level collection process on June 16. On July 2, the standard election results may be revealed.

The surveys system is aware of all the individuals and is following their actions, according to EC secretary-general Sawaeng Boonmee.

There are several prospects who are staying in the same establishments. Election authorities conducted an untimely inspection of some on Monday, and they discovered little wrong. The candidates only exchanged their thoughts and introduced themselves to one another, according to Mr. Sawaeng.

He claimed that the purpose of these examination trips was to prevent any election law violations.

Nevertheless, he warned that the EC may launch an investigation and refer the case to the Supreme Court for a decision if there is evidence that individuals are breaking the rules or buying votes.

” If the prospects are found guilty, the EC did concern red, orange or black tickets, each carrying specific penalties for violations”, he said.

Election applicants found guilty of poll fraud may be disqualified by a red card. If the EC has proof they are involved in election forgery, an orange cards may suspend a winning candidate’s election rights for a year. Their election right will be permanently revoked as a result of a dark card. &nbsp,

” Before issuing these sanctions, the EC may current research information and information to the Supreme Court”, Mr Sawaeng said.

Recently, he said sharing votes in the Senate vote was no longer deemed a violation of rules.

He was responding to questions about whether individuals are permitted to ask other individuals to cast ballots in favor of them or to exchange theirs.

The Administrative Court upheld the EC’s original restrictions on campaigning on May 24 after receiving a petition that opposed them.

According to Mr. Sawaeng, since the court decision resulted in the ban on the candidate from introducing themselves in common, they can use their vote however they like, with the exception of buying votes, which is against the law.

On Tuesday, the EC met with representatives of foreign embassies and global organizations to discuss the election approach to them since they will be permitted to observe the election.

More than 45, 000 individuals divided into 20 expert groups participated in the Senate election’s start. The three- cycle approach included candidates choosing among themselves, both from their own party and another groups, at the district, provincial and national levels.

The city level was the subject of an intra-group election, in which the five candidates who received the most votes each party moved on to an inter-group vote. &nbsp,

After that, the three individuals with the most seats from each team were shortlisted, or 60 across 20 groups.

On June 16, they conducted a similar selection process at the municipal level, but this time, during the inter-group poll, just the two individuals with the most votes moved on to the national level, where the top 10 from each of the 20 parties may be chosen as lawmakers on Wednesday.