‘Dynamic’ conditions and conflict zone uncertainty: Behind Singapore’s airdrop mission in Gaza

Strong winds and cold wind also presented challenges. For one, the team had to move the aircraft’s items closer before loading them to stop them from toppling as a result of winds.

” That’s something different that we never really experienced during our training”, said 3WO Eng.

After spending two months in Jordan, the SAF team made a second stop in Singapore.

Looking back, 3WO Eng predicted that the destruction and conflict he witnessed in Gaza would “never leave ( his ) mind.” &nbsp,

” It’s something that you do n’t really want to see. It ( got ) me thinking how fortunate we really are as Singaporeans”.

Dr. Ng, the minister of defense, made an acknowledgment of the difficulty and intensity of the support mission in a speech delivered on Tuesday at the medal ceremony.

” You have… alleviated the anguish of affected communities in Gaza on behalf&nbsp, of Singapore”, he said.

The objective demonstrated the SAF’s ability to respond to incidents quickly and effectively, and it also gives confidence that Singapore is “play a positive part in a troubled world,” Dr. Ng continued. &nbsp,

” This&nbsp, trust is much needed because the security atmosphere will continue to be hard… We&nbsp, may expect surprises and more situations that the SAF will have to listen to in the&nbsp, potential”.