Drug stores get Covid script go-ahead

Medical stores allowed to fill anti-viral treatment courses from Sept 1

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides finished drafting a good announcement allowing medication stores to sell anti-viral pills to Covid-19 patients with a doctor prescribed.

FDA secretary-general Paisarn Dunkum said the expenses will be submitted to the public health ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) and is expected to consider effect on Sept one

“Let us stress that will Covid-19 patients should have a prescription since not everyone has to take the medicine. The prescription means the patient has been diagnosed by doctors, ” he said.

Drug stores are also required to purchase anti-viral drugs from licensed importers and must store a record of each prescription they fill for examination as well, he said.

When inquired if the move might lower the cost in order to patients, the FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION chief said pharmacies negotiating with different providers could reduce the cost.

He also insisted the FDA has a system in place to monitor unauthorised drug sales and ensure public safety.

On Fri, in addition to announcing the newest prescription rules, the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) also allowed hospitals which do not come under the Ministry associated with Public Health and some other public health products to directly procure anti-viral drugs with regard to Covid-19 treatment, effective on Sept 1 and Oct one respectively.

The move arrived after the National Communicable Disease Committee declared that state and private hospitals, clinics and medication stores can procure Covid-19 medicines from Sept 1 .

At present, the anti-viral pills are usually designated as specially controlled drugs in support of the Government Pharmaceutical Company can procure all of them for the Public Wellness Ministry to disperse to hospitals nationwide.

Based on CCSA spokesman Tawee­silp Visanuyothin, the country provides enough medicine to treat Covid-19 with 5 million favipiravir supplements, 6. 76 monulpiravir pills and 37, 000 doses of remdesivir currently within stock.

Dr Tawee­silp mentioned consumption of Covid-19 medicines was on a downwards trend which recommended people have a better knowledge of how to treat virus-like infections.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Public Health reported there were twenty nine more Covid-19 fatalities and 1, 902 new patients admitted to hospital on Friday.

A total of nineteen, 935 people were getting treatment (down from 20, 048 the previous day), including 10, 355 in hospitals (down from ten, 556). Of the remainder, 244 were in field hospitals/hospitel amenities (up from 236) and 9, 227 in-home/community isolation (up from 9, 147) with 109 others not specified.