Drink driving accidents up, more deaths in first half of 2024


Accidents involving older pedestrians decreased by 22.1 percent, from 122 in the first third of 2023 to 95 in the same time this yr.

And there was a slight increase of 3.3 % in the number of motorcyclist-related injuries.

These two groups continue to be a “key problem,” according to the police, because they account for a significant amount of accidents that result in injuries or fatalities. &nbsp,

Yet though fewer&nbsp, older pedestrians died in injuries in the first quarter of 2024, this group also made up 42.9 per share of pedestrian casualties. Around 41 % of all pedestrian fatalities involving older people were caused by trespassing.

The authorities urged family and friends to remind the elderly no to walks, as well as continue to do so in its efforts to educate the old. &nbsp,

In comparison to the 1, 841 accidents in the same period last year, the number of motorcyclist-related accidents increased by 3.3 % to 1, 902 in the first half of 2024.

From 2,050 in the first quarter of 2023 to 2, 159 in the first quarter of 2024, drivers and scooter riders who were hurt in accidents increased by 5.3 %.

In the first quarter of 2024, motorcyclists and scooter riders were responsible for 61.6 percent of all traffic fatalities and 54.5 percent of all traffic accidents.