PUTRAJAYA: A Malay-Muslim movement, called Gerakan Tanah Air, has been launched to take on Umno for that upcoming polls, states former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
The Parti Pejuang Tanah Atmosphere chairman said it was to ensure the rights of the Malays are taken care of.
The movement includes four political celebrations, non-governmental organisations (NGO), academicians and individuals, he added.
They include the Nationwide Indian Muslim Alliance Party (Iman), Parti Bumiputera Perkasa Malaysia (Putra) and Parti Barisan Jemaah Islamiah Se-Malaysia (Berjasa).
“Many Malays are actually seen to be stressed over Umno’s rule and the majority of all those in poverty are Malays, ” Dr Mahathir said in a press conference on Thursday (Aug 4).
He additional that the rift between rich and poor would cause stress with possible issue of interest.
“If the poor are too bad and the rich are too wealthy, it will trigger nationwide instability.
“That is why we all formed a Malay-Muslim movement to ensure that the Malays will get their fair share associated with things in a multiracial country, ” this individual said.
This individual added that this would not see the Malays depriving them of other races’ rights, but only to assure their rights would be taken care of.
“Therefore, we urge Malays who are doubtful of the future to support the candidates who include both political celebrations, NGOs and those who have support our result in, ” he stated.