DPM Heng, CE John Lee reaffirm ‘good momentum’ of longstanding partnership between Singapore and Hong Kong

SINGAPORE: Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and Chief Executive John Lee reaffirmed the longstanding partnership between Singapore and Hong Kong during their meeting on Monday (Aug 29).

In a Facebook post after their meeting, Mr Heng wrote: “As cities with international outlooks, Hong Kong and Singapore have very much in common. We share strong economic linkages, close ties between our peoples, and many areas of cooperation.”

Besides reaffirming the “good momentum” of the longstanding partnership between Singapore and Hong Kong, Mr Heng added that both sides discussed how they can further deepen cooperation.

“Looking to the future, we discussed how Singapore and Hong Kong can further deepen cooperation in areas such as economic resilience and public health, and also how we can work together to contribute to regional growth and prosperity, and for the benefit of our peoples.”

“I am confident that the friendship between Singapore and Hong Kong will continue to grow during CE Lee’s term,” he added.