Dozens of sea turtles found stabbed off Japanese island

A green sea turtle swimming in an ocean Getty Images

A minimum of 30 green sea turtles have been discovered dead off the beach of a remote control Japanese island, numerous having been stabbed in the neck.

Locals on Kumejima island made the discovery last Thursday, after a low wave revealed the systems.

At least one fishing owner admitted to wounding the animals to eliminate them from fishing nets, said information site the Mainichi.

Police are usually investigating animal rudeness claims.

“I disentangled some of the [turtles] and released them into the sea, but I could not free [the] heavy types so I stabbed these to get rid of them, inch an unnamed fishing owner told a close source, said a report by the Mainichi.

Local media reported police had deployed officers to the picture last week, but decades clear if any kind of action has been used.

Green sea turtles are listed as an endangered types by Japanese authorities and global preservation groups.

They’re known to frequent the seaweed and kelp mattresses off Kumejima – one of the tiny islands about 2, 000km south of the Japanese mainland – high are also active preservation efforts.

Marine biologists and other workers from the island’s Sea Turtle Museum had rushed to the beach after the turtles were discovered, but most had currently become motionless at that time.

Several had rute wounds at the base of their necks, while some were also slashed in their flippers. Pictures released by the art gallery show the creatures floating in superficial water.

“I have not seen anything such as this before, ” one museum employee told The Asahi Shimbun.

“It is extremely difficult to process this. inch