Dozens of iCon Group distributors seek to withdraw complaints

Representative of scandal-hit direct selling company says it is still in business

The logo Group distributors have reaffirmed their intentions to revoke their complaints against the scandal-plagued direct sales business and its inmate executives.

According to media sources, a representative of The iCon Group, identified only as Ms Pannatorn, led between 60 and 70 company distributors to submit a letter to the Office of the Attorney-General ( OAG ) on Friday.

Some international distributors even provided documentation to back up their withdrawal plans, according to the reports.

Because some of the claims were false, Ms. Pannatorn claimed that these vendors had carefully considered their complaints and decided to halt them.

After submitting two rounds of words proving the company’s ignorance, she joined them at the OAG headquarters to following up on a pending answer.

She stated that she wanted to offer additional information regarding the situation as a company representative.

She claimed that buyers of The image Group, who feared they would never receive their goods if they placed orders, were widely concerned about false news about the company.

Ms. Pannatorn reiterated that the business is nevertheless reputable because the majority of marketers also earn money from selling its goods.

When questioned about worries about the number of people who have requested image Group executives ‘ loan at the Criminal Court, Ms. Pannatorn claimed it was their correct.

She urged the business to conduct honest sales with available evidence, including products that have been investigated by the Department of Special Investigation ( DSI).

When questioned about how many vendors were expected to end their issues, she responded that 200 had already done so, and that around 2,000 had provided supporting evidence.

She added that a group of marketers would return to the OAG on Monday to request additional paperwork and offer moral support for the business.

Pornlapas Onchaiya, 62, said she physically used the company’s products and found them useful.

However, following the news reports about the scam incident, she felt pressured by societal trends, officers and even her home to file a complaint, despite originally having no purpose to do so.

Then she wanted to remove her grievance, she said on Friday.

Yuwadee Thongma, 55, another seller, said she had filed a complaint with authorities out of concern that the company’s goods may be seized, which may prevent her from receiving items stored in its inventory.

However, she claimed that her statement was not accurately recorded by officers.

The DSI previously stated that the removal of some complaints wouldn’t interfere with one of the country’s most notorious fraud cases.

Eighteen people have been detained since October on suspicion of computer and public fraud related to the scheming dealers ‘ iCon health product sales.

The complaintants in the case asserted that dealers were more focused on entice and motivating new dealers to buy products than on product marketing.

Approximately 9, 000 complaints have been reported to investigators from people who have losses of close to 3 billion baht.

According to the DSI, the prosecution is scheduled to make a decision on whether to indict the suspects in the upcoming week.