Doctor, doctor: Identical twins graduate together with medical degrees

SERDANG: A couple of identical twins have got achieved their dream of becoming doctors after they both graduated with medical degrees on Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Nurnadhirah Zulkifli and Nurnadhrah Zulkifli, 25, said they had dreamt to become medical doctors since completing secondary school and were inspired by their mother, who is a nurse.

Nurnadhirah said they were happy to make their parents’ proud after successfully graduating in a field that is regarded as very difficult.

“We went through every bittersweet experience together and are capable to share this happiness with our parents, ” she told reporters after the second program of UPM’s 46th Convocation ceremony in the Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Centre just for Culture and Artistry here on Saturday (Nov 26).

She said young people, especially women, should not be afraid to go after their dream of getting doctors.

“If you have the enthusiasm and interest in medicine, don’t be afraid to pursue your dreams, especially now as we are short of female specialist doctors, ” she said.

Meanwhile, her sister Nurnadhrah said she wanted to give back towards the community using the information she had acquired.

“I want to serve the community, specifically those who have imparted understanding to us, ” she said.

Nurnadhrah said she would now focus on completing her two-year housemanship before furthering her studies to become an ophthalmologist, which is a specialist in the study of the eye and related diseases.

Nurnadhirah said she desired to become an expert in internal medicine, specialising in the diagnosis, therapy and prevention of various acute and chronic diseases.

The particular twins were one of the 5, 688 graduates who received their particular respective degrees plus diplomas at the convocation ceremony which began on Friday (Nov 25) until December 2 . – Bernama