Do you know your egg count? A doctor suggests women should consider fertility screening from their late 20s

Self-administered injections are a common problem for people who are egg-freezing and IVF. According to Lee, the first step in the two procedures involves 10 to 12 days of normal fertility hormone injections. &nbsp,

Some people are concerned about the knife entering their personal body or care that it is not being used correctly, Lee said.

To dispel individuals ‘ issues, Taylor offers a home-injection services where trained caregivers go to the person’s home to help her. It costs S$ 85 per visit. &nbsp,

” Having one expert doing it for you can give you a peace of mind, and in some cases, lower few friction”, Lee added.

Lee, who is married and went through egg freezing as part of home planning last year at the age of 31, described it as difficult and wants to assist other people.

Additionally, Taylor provides the general public with a free app called Hey Taylor that includes a variety of services, including period monitoring and alerts for excessive symptoms based on specific medical algorithms.

For instance, if you experience time pain, large periods, or a combination of other symptoms, the software will give you a push notification with information about related conditions and recommend a medical consultation.

Beyond reproduction, Taylor’s goal is to help women through major existence transitions, from reproductive and physical health through pregnancy and menopause.