Democrats double down on Jurin for PM

Jurin: Scouting list-MP candidates
Jurin: Scouting list-MP candidates

The Democrat Party stands by its decision to nominate party leader Jurin Laksanawisit as its sole prime ministerial candidate in the next poll, effectively closing the door on the prospect of former party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva being in the running.

Niphon Bunyamanee, a deputy leader of the party, said it passed a resolution last week naming Mr Jurin as its sole candidate. That decision stands, he said.

He was speaking before the party’s assembly at a hotel in Bangkok yesterday.

Mr Niphon’s statement came after another Democrat deputy leader, Sathit Pitutecha, suggested the party propose Mr Abhisit as another candidate alongside Mr Jurin.

Mr Jurin said earlier he was approaching his predecessors — Mr Abhisit, Chuan Leekpai and Banyat Bantadtan — to serve as Democrat list-MP candidates and help in the party’s campaign rallies.

Yesterday, Mr Niphon said if another prime ministerial candidate were to be formally proposed after the party has already selected one, party regulations must be studied to find out whether this is permissible.

Emerging from the assembly, Mr Abhisit said Mr Jurin had not come to him to seek his help with the election campaign. “I’ll also have to consider if the party’s goals are on the same page as mine,” he said.