‘Defeated and betrayed’ by the people I look up to: Raeesah Khan on second day of Pritam Singh’s trial

FIRST Administrative PANEL SESSION&nbsp,

On Tuesday, Mr Sivakumar picked up the lawyer’s line of questioning on events that happened after Nov 1, 2021, which was when Ms Khan’s revealed her falsehood in congress.

WP head Sylvia Lim sent a message and email to Ms Khan on November 2, 2021, stating that a administrative panel had been set up to examine her conduct. &nbsp,

The message, read out by Mr Sivakumar, stated that the screen had include Singh, Ms Lim and WP vice-chair Faisal, and requested Ms Khan to provide further argument about her support team and her consideration on Nov 1, 2021. &nbsp,

Ms Khan said she had been “very surprised” with the formality of the internet, especially since the party officials had been guiding her “from the beginning”.

Mr Khan met the group leaders on Nov 8, 2021 and Nov 29, 2021 for the administrative board meetings at the party office. &nbsp,

Ms. Khan claimed during the opening session that she did not recall the group leaders posing questions for her about the incident rather than her personality and do as Sengkang GRC MP. &nbsp,

Elaborating, Ms Khan said:” A big point of contention during the meeting was that I did n’t submit enough parliamentary questions. I was n’t as present in parliament”.

Ms. Khan recalls being surprised because she had been on maternity leave for three weeks and was brand-new. &nbsp,

” I believed that I was making good progress with my legislative achievement, which had never been raised earlier.” Additionally, I was also very surprised to hear that there were inquiries about whether I was standing on the ground. &nbsp,

” I did all my estate walks, I went to every single Meet-the-People sessions ( MPS) unless… something really really important came up,” she testified, adding that she had rushed from parliament to MPS before returning to parliament at some point. &nbsp,

So these trivial stuff that I believed I was doing well in and that no one else had any input on, were unavoidably brought up in the screen.

” It shocked me how the screen was going that way,” she said. I mean, I was so surprised I was actually kind of dumbfounded that I did n’t know how to respond”.

During the conference, Singh even mentioned Ms Khan’s “lack of skill and punctuality”, according to Ms Lim’s information of the meeting. &nbsp,

He claimed that if the central executive committee ( CEC ) allows me to continue, I was on borrowed time. I guess he thought that I was going to fail”, said Ms Khan. &nbsp,

Mr Singh had also pointed out that Ms Khan was no “vocal much” in meetings. &nbsp,

” I mean, I was the youngest person it by a long time, and I was just elected.”

I made every effort to watch and learn as much as I could from the folks in this setting.

Mr Khan also spoke about her self-doubt. &nbsp,

I kind of thought that anyone at my age at the time who would be elected and would be given such a large responsibility would also feel like they do n’t belong or do n’t deserve it.

She then described her positive relationship with Compassvale residents and her interaction with the panel’s charity group. &nbsp,

I often met them at MPS, we frequently met just by walking around the estate, making house visits, and I furthermore established a very strong welfare team, which I was proud of working with, distributing groceries and monitoring residents.

The group officials then asked Ms. Khan if continuing to serve as an MP was the best course of action. &nbsp,

Finally, Deputy Principal District Judge Luke Tan stepped in and inquired if Ms. Khan knew that Ms. Lim had taken information. &nbsp,

Ms. Khan claimed that she did n’t understand why Ms. Lim was taking informal notes and that the seriousness of the situation had n’t occurred to her at the time.

I did n’t know how significant the meeting was because, according to what I understood, they would support me, they would have my back, and so it was like a shock that, you know, they were sat there on a sort of stage and saying all of these,” said Ms. Khan. &nbsp,

It kind of made me feel like they were confronting things, and I did n’t even realize that she was actually taking notes or that these notes would serve as a kind of official document.

Eventually, Ms. Khan and then-WP functionaries Loh Pei Ying and Yudhishthra Nathan had a group chat about the panel discussion for the first session. If she did n’t have the backing of her immediate teammates, she suggested that Mr. Singh might want her to resign. &nbsp,

In reply, Mr Nathan reportedly sent the information:” And he gets off scot free? Because right now, people do n’t know that he knew it was a lie.”

Mr. Nathan made the suggestion in his emails that Ms. Khan might still be present at the COP and that if she revealed the truth, she might harm Singh’s popularity. &nbsp,

Ms Khan replied that she” had n’t do that”, which she clarified in court to indicate that she wanted to protect the group leaders as she” revered” them.

Ms. Khan requested to meet the administrative board a next day on November 22, 2021, and she informed Singh via emails that she had not been prepared for what the leaders had to say. &nbsp,

In response, Mr. Singh responded,” Unprepared for the things you had to say is regrettably not becoming an MP Raeesah, because you ca n’t make statements and then switch your mind or add something new.” The administrative panel was a proper meeting, satisfy email us.”

When asked for her response to this message, Ms Khan said she was” actually unhappy”. &nbsp,

I was n’t prepared for that because prior to the DP meeting, there was n’t, and I was n’t told that my entire career as an MP was being reviewed or my personal conduct was being reviewed.

” And then to be confronted with that at the actual meeting and then going home sort of felt like I did myself a injustice,” he said,” and therefore having him kind of throw it back at me after that was upsetting.”

In light of your actions in parliament and your choice to stick to the story on October 4, Mr. Singh after addressed another message to Ms. Khan, reportedly saying,” I hope you see that it is perfectly your character and behavior that is under review here.”

Ms. Khan forwarded photos of the messages to Ms. Loh and Mr. Nathan, saying she was shocked by their response, particularly given that Singh had supposedly told her before that he would not punish her for fortifying the story.