Deep Dive Podcast: Smoking samsui woman mural saga – How much sway does the public have on artwork?

Here’s an extract from the audio: &nbsp,

Steven Chia:
Belinda, do you feel as an artist, sometimes it’s hard to push the boundaries because craft is supposed to find individuals thinking, asking questions…

Crispina Robert:
And fine art can sometimes be a little contentious, right?

Belinda Low:
Sometimes when you’re painting on a wall, and you get people passing by and they say,” Oh, it’s very nice”… and they like it, so you know that you are going the right direction.

What if they interrupt you and ask,” Why are you painting this?” I do n’t like it”. That is also a debate in which you find to explain why.

For instance, if you’re painting a identity roof, and they can connect to it because that area sociologically, there are a lot of older people, so it brings that storage. So you must paint whatever is suitable for that subject and location. The base is, I am no painting for myself, per se.

First, is because of passion. Yes, I love to make. &nbsp,