Crystal meth found hidden in tour van, bound for Malaysia

An officer points to an opened, secret compartment in the tour van roof containing packages of crystal methamphetamine, during a search at a security checkpoint in Songkhla. The driver and two other suspects were arrested separately. (Screenshot from TV)
An official points to an opened, secret chamber in the tour de ceiling containing packages of crystal meth, during a research at a security checkpoint in Songkhla. The pilot and two additional suspects were made separate arrests. ( Television screen shot )

A hidden chamber on the roof of a visit van near the border in Songkhla province was where 100 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine were discovered.

The vehicle was arrested and two other suspects, some even driving a vehicle with a concealed compartment in the roof, were afterwards even apprehended.

The journey de closely followed the tour vehicle as it headed south, with officials from Southern Border Provinces Investigation Division Subdivision 2 and Office of the Narcotics Control Board’s Region 9. The arresting team reported on Thursday that they had it intercepted at the Khuan Meed security checkpoint in Songkhla’s Chana district’s tambon Khuan Meed.

100 kg of crystal meth was discovered in a hidden compartment in the roof during a van search. The 30-year-old driver was arrested. Police did not reveal his name&nbsp,

The driver allegedly admitted during questioning that he was delivering the drugs from Bangkok to Narathiwat’s border town of Sungai Kolok. &nbsp,

The officers later arrested two more suspects. One, a 51-year-old, was arrested in Muang district of Narathiwat. He allegedly was traveling by van to collect the drugs from the first suspect. &nbsp, A search revealed there was a secret compartment in the van’s roof.

The third suspect, aged 38 years, was arrested in Sungai Kolok district police said, but gave no further details. &nbsp,

The 100 kilogrammes of crystal meth that were seized in Malaysia were estimated to be worth about 20 million baht, but it would be two or three times as much, according to police.

Authorities impounded the suspects ‘ assets for further investigation. They included seven vehicles, six blocks of land, 40, 000 baht cash, 12, 230 ringgit and two pistols. &nbsp,

The trio was accused of collusion, possession of illegal drugs with the intention to sell, and other related crimes. All were held in custody for legal action, police said.