Crowds arrive at the National Stadium hours before papal mass begins

More than 2, 000 people are involved in the bulk- including 1, 600 singing members, &nbsp, 390 Amazing Ministers of Holy Communion, 656 wardens, 300 temple servers, 128 medics and nurses, and 260 group control personnel.

The pope may arrive at 4:30 p.m. and participants must be seated by 3.30 p.m. He may use his Popemobile, a vehicle especially designed to make him more visible during open appearances, to visit the crowds on the ball of the National Stadium.

Among those present will get 2, 600 school and junior school pupils, 310 migrant employees, 1, 000 older people from parishes across the country and 250 chair users. There will also be that another 3, 000 Christians from the member states of the Federation of Asian Bishops ‘ Events.

Both Filipinos who have worked in Singapore for a while, Ms. Ido Joyce Anne Pastor and Ms. Sian Soriano, both of whom, expressed interest in seeing Pope Francis closely.

” The first time I got a picture of him was when I was in the Philippines, and I hope he comes near now, so I can get a picture of him”, said Ms Soriano.

She continued,” I prayed for the apostolic size to get easily before I left for the National Stadium.”