‘Crisis not over’ as eruptions at Indonesia’s Mount Ruang continue

The archipelago’s top volcanology official told AFP that the threat from an Indonesian volcano that has erupted more than 50 times this week is not over, as the crater belched another ash tower on Saturday ( Apr 20 ).

The eruption of Mount Ruang, which is located in Indonesia’s most remote area, North Sulawesi state, started slow on Tuesday, causing authorities to evacuate residents of nearby islands and the closure of the nearest international airport.

The mountain erupted once more on Friday night before midnight, and it did it again on Saturday afternoon, spewing an ash row 250 meters above its top, according to the geological agency.

Despite the volcano calming earlier in the week, which produced a spectacular combination of volcano, ash, and thunder earlier in the week, causing the nation’s volcanology agency to warn that big eruptions may also occur, despite the country’s volcanology agency advising that big eruptions may also occur.

” With volcanic disasters recorded, this issue is not over yet,” organization mind Hendra Gunawan told AFP.

It indicates that the flow of granitic fluid is also moving from the level to the surface. Therefore, it’s not surprising that explosions also occur. “

The mountain, with a top 725m above sea level, is already the only one of Indonesia’s more than 100 volcanos at the highest call stage of a four-tiered program.

Around the crater is still a 6 km exclusion area, according to authorities.

More than 6,000 citizens of neighbouring Tagulandang area, home to around 20,000 persons, were evacuated outside the rejection area, a nearby national said Friday.

More than 11,000 people were previously estimated by authorities to need to be evacuated as a result of the agency’s warning about volcanic rocks, hot clouds, and lava flows.