Couple say ‘I do’ in Singapore’s first metaverse wedding

Couple say 'I do' in Singapore’s first metaverse wedding

“What’s exciting in the metaverse wedding, is that you’re not limited to coming in your physical human form or wearing typical clothing. You can come as alien, a robot, a polar bear… the possibilities are endless, ” Mr Chan said.  

The wedding venue was decorated with super trees, a Cinderella horse-drawn carriage, and a giant calligraphy sign of the word “xi”, a Chinese character commonly seen at Chinese weddings meaning “double happiness”.  

Ms Tham walked down the aisle at the virtual location – a digital recreation of popular wedding venue The Alkaff Mansion on Telok Blangah Hill.

The mansion’s distinctive architecture and recognisable key features like its garden conservatory, European-style water fountains, and broad balustrade stairways were brought to life in their digital forms by design agency Smobler Studios.

The agency said that with the metaverse, celebrations are no longer limited by physical presence or by distance.

“We are thrilled at being able to create Singapore’s first ever metaverse wedding… allowing friends, family and loved ones from afar to join in the celebrations across the globe, ” said co-founder Ms Loretta Chen.