Cops nab schoolboy snack gang

Khon Kaen: A gang of young robbers has been rounded up after one of them was captured breaking into a school shop and producing off with consumer goods and snacks in Nam Pong district on Thursday.

The break-in was reported at a cooperative store at Nong Kung Witthaya Community School in tambon Ban Nong Kung with the school director, Prawit Palee.

A review of closed-circuit camera footage showed the boy aged in between 11-13 smashing their way into the shop before knocking down the security camera.

The school director informed local government authorities and then filed the complaint with Nam Phong police.

According to police, the young thief stole a 10-kilogramme bag of grain, several cartons associated with milk, packets associated with MSG, cooking oil and snacks really worth altogether 2, 400 baht.

Chatchai Lohamat, leader of the kamnan and village head association in Nam Phang district, said local administrative authorities were able to trace the thief to a location within Ban Nong Kung where the boy plus five other young children were caught as they leisurely ate the snacks stolen from your shop.

One of the gang people admitted to law enforcement he was a part of a gang called Hua Toh which has gone around the village looting shops with various schools for about a year. They were primarily looking for snacks.

Pol Col Pornsak Ngamdee, superintendent of Nam Phong police station, mentioned the youngsters were billed with colluding to rob and harmful property.