Construction of Govt Complex access road picks up pace

Construction of Govt Complex access road picks up pace
the Chaeng Watthana Road state advanced

As issues with the removal of public utility lines in the area have now been resolved, the construction of a new road that would connect the Government Complex to Pracha Chuen Road will pick up speed, according to the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration( BMA ).

Road No. 1 may be the name of the street. 10 does connect Pracha Chuen Road to the complex, which is situated on Chaeng Watthana Road.

According to lieutenant government Wissanu Sapsompol, the street will offer a different way to the place once it is finished, which would be particularly helpful during rush hour.

On 25 % of the 1.3-kilometer road’s structure has been completed, and it should be operational in May of next year. The cost of building the road is around 300 million ringgit. & nbsp,

According to the BMA, there were problems with removing pubic energy lines in the area, so the task wasn’t moving along as expected.

According to Mr. Wissanu, the fresh path may ease the severe traffic congestion near the expanded portions of the Government Complex and the nearby Chulabhorn Hospital. & nbsp,

Currently, Vibhavadi Rangsit Road serves the south and Chaeng Watthana Road to the north, respectively, serving the complex and the doctor.

Visitors will be directed to Pracha Chuen Road from the north of the complex on Road No 10. & nbsp,

The Metropolitan Waterworks Authority’s headquarters may be connected to Chaeng Watthana Road via Pracha Chuen Road, according to the sheriff government.

Because of a barrier at the end of the road, extreme traffic jams are frequently reported in the area. The barrier may be removed by the growth, which will cost about 420 million baht. Next month, the project is anticipated to be completed.