‘Congestion’ at KL airport as employers scramble to bring in thousands of migrant workers before deadline

The department attributed this rise to employers ‘ eleventh-hour efforts to hire foreign workers before the Friday deadline, which the government had moved forward with in response to the government’s decision to revoke employers ‘ quotas for migrant workers who have not received entry visas with reference after Mar 31.

Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail stated on March 8 that this would allow the government to accurately assess the country’s need for foreign workers before considering whether or not to set up fresh restrictions to accommodate the arrival of more unusual workers, according to local media.

Industry figures and activists criticized the move, claiming that the card application process took months to complete and that the possibility of missing the deadline may cause companies to cut corners when hiring already vulnerable migrant workers.

After arriving in Malaysia last year, thousands of migrants, mainly from Bangladesh and Nepal, were told that the work promised to them were no longer accessible.

However, Mr. Saifuddin objected to requests to change the selection and adhere to the original deadline of Sep 30 for security reasons.

According to the approved quotas thus far, the number of foreign workers could now reach the government-set limit by May 31, he claimed at the time.

According to local media accounts, there are some 2.17 million foreign workers now at work in Malaysia.

The emigration office announced on Thursday that all migrant workers entering Malaysia must be checked out and have their heath checked out at KLIA.

We urge companies to cooperate fully by being present to help their employees through the immigration process, which may lessen traffic congestion in the entrance halls, it continued.

The department stated that it is working with Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd, the airline’s management, to get “immediate steps” to ensure the safety of other passengers.

To manage the large crowds and speed up the screening and validation process, as well as providing food and water to the immigrant workers at the airport, there should be additions of immigration counters and officers.

” The office will continue to monitor and improve the situation”, it said.