Beginning in the middle of this year, Bangkok riders will be able to use a single solution to access Chao Phraya express boat service through all-electric trains, people buses, and public cars.
A special council was set up, according to Deputy Transport Minister Manaporn Charoensri, who announced monday that the legislature approved the Common Ticket System Management Act on Wednesday.
The act aims to lower travel costs and make traveling by public transport convenient for passengers while encouraging commuters to use public transportation, which may help to meet government goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. By the middle of the time, according to Ms. Manaporn, the legislation is anticipated to become lawful.
By September, the extra policy will be made available to help the 20-baht flat price policy for all electronic train routes.
The creation of campaign funds for activity and potential growth, including providing loans to participated operators, criteria for concessionaires, and measures to ensure benefit from the popular ticket system while preventing damage to the public are some of the five key principles of the law.
Ms. Manaporn stated that the Office of Transportation Policy ( OTP ) will establish the technological standards for the system.
She added that the law may also help make it easier for town riders to go by using a single ticket system that is applicable to all public transportation systems.
According to this law, contractors who are eligible to participate in the system’s procedure must also have a permit license.
According to Ms. Manaporn, the average cost of traveling on public transportation now depends on the various fare rates that are already set by each service provider, the majority of which are very high.