Commentary: Why aren’t introverts celebrated in the workplace?


Their biggest issue is that they allow by themselves to believe that being introverted is their biggest flaw. This particular false belief leads them to stymie their very own career progression, self-sabotaging their chances of promotion.

What is required then, is a shift within perspective and some empowering methods to drive their professions forward.

Like realising that their own silent and humble behaviour can often be misunderstood by bosses as a lack of ambition.

By not really expressing their desire for larger roles, they will inadvertently come across as passive and uninterested in promotions, resulting in plum tasks being handed out to their more vocal colleagues .

They should be vibrant and let their own bosses know of their own plans for more difficult portfolios ahead. Indicating their interest obviously will signpost their own desire for greater plus bigger things.

Another key skill where introverts often fall short is in networking . Understandably, the idea of conference dozens of strangers in the strange place may seem anathema to them. Nevertheless , by not contacting people who could help their particular careers along, they may be putting themselves in a clear disadvantage.

Instead of approaching accidental people at a mega-convention, the introvert could start small, contacting warm leads such as former classmates or even colleagues from an additional department instead.  

It is certainly less stressful, and they might even enjoy catching plan an old friend over coffee.