Commentary: Trash balloons another sign of North Korea’s refusal to act within global norms

Commentary: Trash balloons another sign of North Korea's refusal to act within global norms
Commentary: Trash balloons another sign of North Korea's refusal to act within global norms

STRATEGIC Loneliness

The result of all this thoughtless, controversial behavior is loneliness. Unfortunately, this self-created loneliness conflicts with North Korea’s long-term aim of acceptance into the world on par with South Korea’s.

North Korea has clearly lost the inter- Asian rivals. Its wealthy knows this, since do its Russian and Chinese friends. Major program turbulence could lead to decline and reunification.

Recognizing and accepting this philosophical dilemma is the answer, as is accepting that North Korea should become a legitimate state in the world rather than the bizarre, destructive Korea that no one likes.

Recognition may lessen the North’s threat to US and South Korea’s security and, in some cases, encourage foreign investment and support. In the past, the North has made detente work with former US President Donald Trump and numerous democratic South Asian presidents.

However, all of these attempts have failed, primarily because the restless do not have the confidence to make difficult concessions to North Korea. It has long been a renegade position that has been unsocialized and obedient, and has the potential to bribe foreigners or sell meth to them.

We anticipate North Korea to build a balloon carrying garbage and faeces. It explains in its own little way why North Korea is still a distant and dysfunctional country 35 times after the Cold War.

Robert Kelly ( @Robert_E_Kelly ) is a professor of political science at Pusan National University.