Commentary: Too many knew, too few acted in GISB child abuse scandal in Malaysia

LACK OF Leadership

The children in the GISB system were housed in welfare facilities that operated as orphanages, which raises questions about governance.

In Malaysia, there is no organized registration or registration of happiness houses and homes. The state counts about a hundred state-run properties, however, a basic social internet search will lead you to hundreds of donations for children’s properties.

There are no current statistics on the number of undocumented orphans because there is n’t a reliable registration system. The state has never started significant measures despite having three years in power. Alternatively, a petition was made last year to remove the provision protecting children from statelessness out of the law out of concern that it might increase their risk.

Part 19B of the Federal Constitution already protects foundlings, providing them automated membership. In reality, civil servants have consistently denied findinglings citizenship on the grounds that they may be unmarried or babies of illegal immigrants. In truth, these children are born to parents in extraordinary vulnerable circumstances.

The existence of the adoptees shows delicate societal and political issues in Malaysia, including teenage pregnancy, rape, child marriages and child dumping. Denying kids their right to citizen prevents them from receiving public services, including healthcare and education.

A baby without any paperwork means he or she is unregulated. Anyone knows where they are, where they are from, or where they might be taken, leaving them vulnerable to smugglers and profiteers.

In November 2022, blogger Zaidi Azmi exposed the truth of orphan girls turned 18 pushed out of happiness homes- illegal and ignorant- and the undeniable risk of being co-opted, if no kidnapped, by sex traffickers.

A few years before, in 2016, Al Jazeera revealed the existence of various network of child buyers through hospitals, child farms and cautious orphanages. Nowadays, infant girls are also preyed on.