Commentary: Should the brakes be put on AI development?

A six-month ban on education even more potent AI systems was also requested in an open letter from the Future of Life Institute in March. More than a thousand people signed it, including Apple co-founder Steven Wozniak and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. & nbsp,


Governments all over the world have been working hard to address AI’s possible results. Italy temporarily outlawed ChatGPT, prompting different Western nations to think about doing the same. After OpenAI added new info safety features, such as user warnings and the choice not to use chats for algorithm training, Italy after lifted the restrictions.

Prior to the widespread public adoption of AI” pause ,” proponents frequently point out the need to improve models and put mechanisms in place to address biases, false information, harmful content, and other ethical issues.

Some disagree, arguing that a temporary restrictions could stall the development and innovation of AI and increase the funding required to re-introduce AI in the future.

Rationality contends that without being ignorant of AI’s potential drawbacks, the scales may be tipped in favor of development and growth.

The EU AI Act, which encourages a risk-based approach to classifying and regulating AI networks, is one piece of required regulations that the European Union is already working on. For instance, high-risk AI systems like a social credit scoring system based on real-time surveillance would be outlawed, but small – risk AI solutions like spam filtering could be used as long as there were transparency needs.

Similar to this, China recently unveiled draft operational measures that aim to control the creation, application, and distribution of relational AI products to the general public. These measures cover a wide range of topics, including requirements for security assessments, articles regulation, intellectual property, and training data transparency and bias. They are incredibly detailed.