Commentary: From laptops to home appliances, subscriptions are rewriting the rules of ownership


According to UBS, the registration sector is projected to grow to US$ 1.5 trillion by 2025, making it one of the fastest-growing sectors on the planet. A wider shift in the customer attitude is evident in the continued expansion of subscriptions. That is, we extremely benefit access and knowledge, over rights.

This trend is largely driven by the newest consumer technology. According to study from Recurly, Gen Zs, who were born between 1997 and 2012, are swift to sign up for membership models as long as they allow for personalization and flexibility.

At the other end of the spectrum, Baby Boomers- those born from 1946 to 1964- are mainly reluctant to commit to a license, according to a Deloitte statement. Additionally, the report found that convenience and access to premium services are the most important factors influencing customers to listen, followed by financial incentives.

Consumers value the ability to switch between various products or services without making a long-term commitment in a fast evolving world where lifestyles and preferences change. Membership also aid in democratizing access to goods and services across social groups by lowering entry restrictions, especially for expensive things like electronics or luxury goods.

It’s not just about comfort or cost savings as this license revolution grows. Another major advantage is conservation. Every year, Singapore produces about 60, 000 tonnes of electrical waste, which is equivalent to throwing away 70 cellular phones every year.

Memberships help buyers avoid wasting money by only purchasing items when they need them instead of purchasing ones that might go unneed or underused. This change coincides with a growing environmental awareness and a desire to reduce our environmental impact.