Commentary: Forcing chilli into a child’s mouth to discipline them is not tough love


Parents frequently choose real punishment out of anger or a lack of alternative means of control.

In a hectic and aggressive world like Singapore, we all acknowledge that parenting is essentially challenging. It can be challenging to stop the urge to use physical abuse as a quick fix in times of stress and frustration.

But, it is crucial to acknowledge that these steps are more about easing our familial annoyance than educating or guiding the kid.

Positive parenting offers a sympathetic and grounded substitute for corporal punishment.

This method emphasises caring, guidance and non- harsh discipline to create a friendly environment for children’s growth. Setting clear, consistent boundaries, using time-out, and enjoyable good behavior are all effective parenting strategies.

Good parenthood has been proven to work, according to research. Good parenting techniques are linked to higher educational success, improved mental health, and better interpersonal skills in children, according to a meta-analysis published in the Psychological Bulletin.

Also, good parenting helps to improve the family- child relationship by developing trust and open communication.

I generally recommend The Parenting Pyramid, developed by the Arbinger Institute, to families as I find it to be a particularly useful method to parenthood.

Successful correction depends on effective training, which in turn depends on a positive parent-child relationship. The basis of the tower is the parents ‘ private properly- being, underscoring the importance of a good, good mindset when parenting.