Commentary: ChatGPT’s just a tool, not a threat to your job


Within two weeks of its release, ChatGPT has surpassed 100 million monthly active users, making it the fastest-growing customer application ever. To put things into perspective, Instagram reached the same step after more than two years of operation while TikTok took nine months to reach the equal number of users.

It’s not hard to know why. Just last week, I was working on a company presentation, and I was amazed by the amount of time saved thanks to ChatGPT. Usually, when I tackle a demonstration, I spend hrs brainstorming, organising ideas and properly wording each area.

When I gave ChatGPT the essential ideas and goals for my display, it produced a clear storyboard with subheadings and a drafty script in the blink of an eye. This enabled me to skip the lengthy original drafting stage and get right into improving the content.

With ChatGPT managing the groan work, I’ve been able to devote more encounter time to customers. Furthermore, attending networking events and business meetings has become a more regular portion of my schedule, which allows me to expand my skilled connections and stay on top of the most recent trends in the field.

Unlike conventional research motors, using ChatGPT is a two- way street. I constantly adjust the method I delegate tasks to ChatGPT, speaking to a colleague, and creating causes that will deliver the best results.

What works best is to be direct and lay out the question as precisely as possible:” I want you to act as a project manager, providing insightful questions for our client” or” Summarise the following in 100 words, pulling out three key points that best describe the most recent market trends in the tech industry.”

One trick I’ve learned is to request ChatGPT to create comparisons based on my writings. This has two advantages. Second, it helps me discover new ways to explain common concepts. Next, a bizarre analogy may expose poor arguments. Often, I ask it to spot openings in my writing reasoning. Most times, it catches my omissions, like skipping interpretations for brevity’s purpose.

When it comes to material and story, ChatGPT can adopt various shades. For example, you could go from asking ChatGPT to” Write a story about computers in a funny, funny design”, to” Give me a elegant, insightful deep swim on how artificial intelligence is shaping our potential”.