Commentary: Changing 4G leadership style befits a new social compact

Given different themes that emerged in both the Forward Singapore report and the PAP convention: inclusiveness- from embracing learning beyond grades to empowering those in need– and consensus on how to reach it, a more advisory approach to policy formulation and decision-making that aims to integrate the views and inputs of large segments of society makes sense.

Mr. Wong stated that he prefers to” began by listening, hearing a variety of ideas and opinions, and remaining open to different ideas.” He also emphasized his administration style, which places more emphasis on shared values than on individual differences.


Consultation, inclusivity, and discussion are three factors that will be crucial as Singapore’s policy environment becomes more difficult and the policy issues we must deal with become more cruel.

The 4G team will be able to develop efficient and timely plan options by using a consultative approach in addition to gaining the trust of the populace.

As our people becomes more different and their needs equally, if not more, therefore, openness and consensus may also become more and more important.

According to the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer report, which was released earlier this year, Singaporeans ‘ perceptions of civility and respect for one another have substantially declined.