China warns top US general off ‘arbitrary provocations’

WASHINGTON: The senior Chinese army officer warned their US counterpart on Thursday (Jul 7) that any “arbitrary provocations” would be fulfilled with a “firm counterstrike” by China, but added that the 2 sides should improve dialogue and regulates risks.

The world’s two largest economies are in loggerheads over a number of contentious issues, in the status of Chinese-claimed Taiwan and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to a broader competition for influence in the Asia Pacific.

The Pentagon stated that US Army Common Mark Milley, leader of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, experienced spoken with China’s Chief of the Joint Staff Department, General Li Zuocheng.

“General Milley discussed the need to responsibly take care of competition and maintain open lines of communication, ” Milley’s spokesman said in a statement.

“General Milley underscored the importance of the People’s Liberation Military engaging in substantive dialogue on improving turmoil communications and reducing strategic risk. The call also included a productive discussion of the number of regional and global security problems. ”

China’s Defence Ministry reported Li as saying the two militaries need to uphold mutual regard and objectivity, additional strengthen dialogue, manage risks, and market cooperation, “rather compared to deliberately creating conflict and provoking incidents”.

China has no room for give up or concessions on issues related to the core interests, Li added.

“If anyone provokes randomly, it will inevitably end up being met with a company counterstrike by the Chinese language people. ”

Li also reiterated a call for america to stop military relations with Taiwan, plus “avoid shocks to Sino-US relations and the stability of the Taiwan Strait. ”

China’s military will certainly resolutely defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity, he additional.

China continues to be stepping up military activity around Taiwan seeking to pressure the democratically-elected government right now there to accept Chinese sovereignty.

Taiwan’s authorities says only the island’s 23 million individuals can decide their own future, and while it wants peace will defend itself in case attacked.