Christian Bale says people ‘laughed’ at concept of serious approach to Batman role

Christian Bale says people 'laughed' at concept of serious approach to Batman role
In an interview with the Washington Post , the 42-year-old actor recalled how “tons of people” laughed at him when he discussed his serious method of Batman for “The Dark Knight” trilogy.
“I would [tell people] we’re going to sort of do Batman, but take him seriously. I had tons of people laugh at me and just say, ‘well that’s just not going to work at all, ‘” Bale told the publication.
Bale portrayed Bruce Wayne beginning with “Batman Begins” in 2006 and completed the Christopher Nolan three set with “Dark Knight Rises” in 2012.
The films were acclaimed — Heath Ledger posthumous won an Academy Award regarding his role as Joker — as well as a box office strike, earning roughly $2. 5 billion globally.
“It’s great to be a part of the trilogy that proved those people wrong, ” Bale said. “I’m not certain if this kickstarted [the Marvel Cinematic Universe] but it certainly helped along the way. ”
The former D. Chemical superhero will be coming back as another comic book character — Gorr the God Grocer, an M. D. U villain for that upcoming movie “Thor: Love and Oklahoma city. ”