Choice of Gan Kim Yong as DPM a ‘surprise’, shows emphasis on continuity in new Cabinet line-up: Analysts

It might be beneficial for the government to continue holding press conferences as a result of how effective they were during the COVID- 19 MTF, especially in terms of information dissemination, he said.

Terence Lee, a professor of politics and communication at Perth’s Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, said:” It seems to me that he is trying to control the demonstration of his administration’s narrative as much as possible, as opposed to merely controlling the narrative. He would also be more apparent in the media.”

This includes, for example, featuring more in media broadcasts which can display images of his snippets or speeches more frequently, thus enhancing his presence, said Prof Lee.

Prof. Lee noted that while this might help Mr. Wong begin his tenure, the regular press conferences may serve as a distraction over the long run.

Assoc Prof. Singh stated that Mr. Wong will be using the media that he is most comfortable with to promote his image as the country’s president.

He feels most at ease with this approach. But, whether it works remains to be seen, as the Gen Z and teenagers have their own opinions and opinions”, he noted.

Mr. Wong has recently emphasized the need for the ruling People’s Action Party to communicate more effectively and highlights the differences between its and the opponent’s plans.

At the group’s agreement last year, Mr Wong, who is the group’s deputy secretary- standard, said the party had never only rely on government communications, and even noted that policies do not occur in a vacuum and are driven by politics.