BEIJING: China’s weather authority announced on Thursday ( Jul 4 ) that it anticipates relatively high temperatures in most of China over the next few months, which would suggest yet another summer of extreme heat.
China is already suffering from severe temperature as heavy rains and floods batter the west and record high temperature in many regions of the north and central China, threatening vegetables and putting pressure on the power grid.
According to official statistics, the country has had unusually nice weather for much of the time, with regular heat from March to May at their highest since records began in 1961.
Authorities will be notified of the notice from Chinese weather experts at a regular regular press briefing in Beijing to make preparations for another summer of scorching heat. Northern towns were plagued by prolonged heat in June and July next year.
Most of Asia has experienced intense heat over the past several decades, which has been worsened by climate change, according to authorities.
Additionally, according to China’s wind agency, up to two thunderstorms does create ashore in mainland China in July.
According to authorities, the storms are expected to move in a northwest or northwest manner.
Next time, two powerful thunderstorms – Doksuri and Haikui- made landfall, causing substantial rains that broke records in some areas, unleashed flood and prompted widepsread evacuations.