China vows to safeguard its territorial integrity after South China Sea incident

BEIJING: China’s defence ministry warned the Philippines against “provocative” actions and said on Sunday ( Mar 24 ) that the country would safeguard its territorial sovereignty, a day after an incident in disputed waters of the South China Sea.

” We warn the Philippines to quit making any comment that may lead to the increase of problems and increase of the condition, and stop all infringing and controversial actions”, the defence department said in a statement.

” If the Philippines frequently challenges China’s lower line, China will continue to get firm and decisive measures to securely protect its territorial autonomy and sea rights and interests”, the statement continued.

The remarks came after China’s beach watch said had it taken measures against Asian vessels in disputed waters near the Second Thomas Shoal and Spratly Islands a moment before, activities that the Philippines had called “irresponsible and provocative”.

The event included the use of water gun against a human ship hired to replenish troops, the Spanish task force on the South China Sea said in a statement on Saturday.