Shifting TIMES
Since 2007, just before the global financial crisis, when the country’s economy was booming, has been a part of the Chinese timeline. China was making its mark on the world level by making rapid economic gains.
However, in a vast difference compared to when the first edition was held, the theme this year is” Next Frontiers for Growth”, with WEF’s Chief Economists Outlook in May pointing to” cautious optimism” for the global economy, with bright spots emerging, including” consistently buoyant activity in the economies of Asia”.
Over time, according to spectators, the purpose of the meeting has changed.  ,
When it started, Summer Davos marked China joining the mainstream earth, said Mr Einar Tangen, older brother at Beijing- based think container Taihe Institute.  ,
” Many centuries later, it’s kind of become more of a chat shop and marketing. We’re at a place in 2007 that is exactly the opposite. Points are very negative, you have political contests and because of that, points are gridlocked”.
Mr. Tangen said speaking was preferable to not at all, with organizers anticipating discussions centered on the potential of technology and the world economy.
The website is portion of a broader timeline of global communities in China, including those in Beijing, Hainan and Shanghai.
According to Mr. Tangen, these occasions serve as a way for China to strengthen its political and commercial relations with its companions and promote Chinese culture.