In the first ten days of June, more than 20 weather stations in northeastern Hebei and southeast Shandong provinces reported record high annual temperatures, according to NMC earlier this year.
In late May, north India is experiencing a long-lasting heat wave that will make temperature over 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Since March, the nation has had 56 incidents and almost 25 000 heat injury cases, according to its national disease control center, which was released on June 1.
In April, record-breaking steam scorched large parts of Asia, causing the deaths of hundreds of people, causing crop damage, and forcing schools to close. According to researchers, human-caused climate change made the heat waves worse and more probable.
Northern China will experience record-breaking mercury levels through Jun 20 when the mercury can reach or exceed those of Hebei, Shanxi, and main Henan province, according to NMC.
Local officials in Mengyin County in Shandong have been forced to use measures to prevent an exceedingly extreme rainfall this year, according to local media.