China helps rescue stranded Philippine fishermen in South China Sea after initially obstructing efforts, says Manila

China helps rescue stranded Philippine fishermen in South China Sea after initially obstructing efforts, says Manila

China initially criticized for initially preventing the Philippines from assisting the Philippines in the crew rescue of a stricken Philippine fishing boat in the South China Sea on Saturday ( Jun 29 ).

The trip affair is a rare example of cooperation between the two nations in the South China Sea, where a violent clash recently broke out amid heightened conflicts.

Two of the eight fishermen on board the vessel were hurt in an engine explosion off Scarborough Shoal, according to the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) in a Facebook post on Sunday ( Jun 30 ). It referred to the reef as Bajo de Masinloc, as it is known in the Philippines.

According to the PCG, a Spanish vessel patrolling the area, the BRP Sindangan, was soon instructed to deliver medical help.

” During the operation, our vessel received radio challenges, as well as encountered shadowing and initial blocking by China Coast Guard (CCG) and People’s Liberation Army ( PLA ) Navy ships”, said PCG spokesperson CG Rear Admiral Armando Balilo.

When the Chinese vessels learned about the charitable goal, they stopped observing the BRP Sindangan, the director said. He continued, adding that the CCG likewise provided assistance to the eight fishing on the stricken fish ship by launching two expandable boats.

Two staff members had second-degree burns, and PCG nurses assessed their situation and administered first aid to them. The PCG added that all eight were likewise provided with food and drinking water in its Instagram post.

” In times of situations, the protection of life should always be our focus. The Philippine Coast Guard and the China Coast Guard communicated in a diplomatic way and set off concerns on independence, in the heart of humanitarianism”, said the official. &nbsp,

” We will not raise stress, but we will continue to be determined to ensure the protection of lives at sea,” he continued. &nbsp,