China envoy, Myanmar junta chief meet on border clashes

Last year, an ally of ethnic rebel groups captured the government’s northern demand in the city of Lashio, house to about 150, 000 people.

The junta’s capture of the local command, its second by its opponents since the government’s 2021 revolution, has sparked a rare public criticism of its backers.

On Monday, Min Aung Hlaing said the empire was receiving weapons, including robots and short-range weapons, from “foreign” options that he did not identify.

According to the coup and nearby rescue organizations, dozens of civilians have been killed or injured in new fighting.

Myriad ethnic armed groups have fought for independence and control of beneficial resources in Myanmar’s borderlands since 1948 when it gained independence from Britain.

Some have provided sanctuary and instruction for the younger” Women’s Defense Causes” that have sprung up to fight the military after Aung San Suu Kyi’s government was ousted in a 2021 revolution.