Beijing: A Chinese man who was detained near Taipei after crossing the Taiwan Strait on a speedboat was acting on his own, according to China’s government, on Wednesday ( 12 ). This is alarming Taiwanese security officials, who have been alarmed by the case.
In response to ongoing tensions between Taiwan and China, the coast guard on Sunday detained the man in the coastal town of Tamsui after his vessel crossed a creek that leads to Taipei.
Taiwan claims that the person was a former Taiwanese military commander who might have been examining Taiwan’s defenses.
Speaking at a normal news briefing in Beijing, Chen Binhua, director for China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, said what the man had done was “purely his private action”.
According to him,” There is no need for the Democratic Progressive Party officials to see men pretending to be honest and engaging in political manipulation while hiding behind every tree and shrub,” he said, referring to Taiwan’s ruling group.
The person may get punished once he returns to China, Chen added, without giving details.
Taiwan, which did not detect his ship before it got close to the coast, has no indicated when or if it will send him back, saying the constitutional authorities are still investigating.
Taiwan National Security Bureau Director- General Tsai Ming- renminbi, speaking at legislature in Taipei on Wednesday, said they were no excluding any options for the boy’s desire, including whether China’s state was involved.
The man’s evident martial background made the case more unusual, Tsai added.
” There are many places of fear that still need to be more clarified”, he said.
Taiwan has complained in recent years that China has been engaging in “grey area war” to use unconventional methods without engaging in direct conflict, such as flying security balloons over the area. According to Tasai, the boat event may be just one of those tactics.
Taiwan’s coast guard said that the person crossed the sea from China’s Fujian county, which sits same Taiwan, and that it does not think he came to Taiwan seeking social prison.