Chiang Mai residents call time on late-night drinkers

Chang Moi Road neighbours bemoan bars opening because late as 4am and police inaction

A resident shows a video of pub-goers gathering on Chang Moi Road in Chiang Mai late at night. (Screenshot)
A resident shows a video of pub-goers gathering on Chang Moi Road within Chiang Mai late at night. (Screenshot)

CHIANG MAI: People living along Chang Moi Road in Muang region have vented their frustration over local nightspots operating into the early hours of the morning and apparent lack of police activity despite repeated problems.

Inhabitants of the area on Saturday submitted a of people gathering outside an entertainment place late at night. The street hosts seven such venues, which draw in young patrons searching for after-hours service as they stay open until 3 or 4am — beyond the legal closing time of 2am.

The complainants state these venues work as restaurants during the earlier hours and switch into cafes in late evening, promoting alcoholic drinks and playing loud music. Some have even converted their rooftops to host raucous DJ and live band sets.

Even after the venues close, inhabitants say patrons generally continue to loiter in the area, engaging in loud discussions and causing a disturbance.

The residents earlier filed an official complaint to the Chiang Mai Damrongtham Center and relevant companies calling for a treatment. They noted the fact that neighbourhood was a long-established commercial area coupled to the ancient city moat, which local authorities are usually preparing to propose as a World Heritage web site. According to the original town plans, entertainment locations should not be allowed on the road.

In a forum held by the centre on Wednesday, police assured residents that they would impose stricter controls and that loud revellers will be dealt with. However , reports from early Saturday said disturbances had been still taking place.

One citizen said peace has been only restored for 2 nights after the forum. Police were only seen checking on the venues at about 11pm on Friday before they continued to stay open into Saturday morning. The resident urged authorities to take serious action plus pay more attention to the situation.

The complaints come at the same time when the Ministry associated with Tourism and Sports has thrown the weight behind a proposal to allow nightspots in selected visitor areas to stay open up until 4am .

Followers of the idea say  the businesses had experienced more than most during the pandemic as they got remained closed for nearly two years. Many state they are looking to recover lost revenue along with attract more tourists to help the local economic climate.