Cambodia urged to join CLEAR Sky Strategy project

According to Environment Minister Pol Gen Phatcharavat Wongsuwan, Thailand will extend an invitation to Cambodia to meet the Clean Sky Strategy program, an effort to boost neighboring nations ‘ cooperation in the fight against transnational cloud.

Hun Manet will discuss the matter during his official visit to a neighboring nation now, which will be his second since taking office as prime minister of Cambodia six months ago.

The efforts to lessen the health and environmental impact of cloud pollution would be significantly boosted, according to Pol Gen Phatcharavat, if there was closer cooperation in preventing and mitigating transnational pollution.

He stated that Thailand would including Cambodia to add the CLEAR Sky Strategy in order to accomplish this objective. The program was started by Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar next month.

He stated that a Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) on preventing and tracking transboundary haze pollution will be signed by Thailand and Cambodia today.

Such teamwork may involve using aircraft to put out fires and using royal rainmaking methods to aid in the problem’s resolution.

Thailand will give business bonuses for Thai businesses and contract farming, according to Pol Gen Phatcharavat, and certification for agricultural products never grown on burned area.

For better cloud management in the sub-region, including significant joint efforts to reduce burning, a significant contributor to the PM 2.5 pollutant,” We are willing to discuss hotspot data.” We are prepared to assist Cambodia in resolving the issue collectively and to give everyone fresh air, he declared.