By-appointment shopping in Singapore: How does it work and which stores to check out

” We want to manage crowds, so during sale time, we do n’t do any walk- ins, and everything is by appointment. We’re often packed with consultations next”, said Chang.

During non- sale time, those who make appointments to stores tend to be regular customers who prefer to go straight to Chang’s store, where you can find the entire collection, instead of to the stockists. Additionally, there are those who are brand-new and who prefer to buy closer to their homes and inquire about fit and style. &nbsp,

Customers can choose the products they want on a form online with the interview method, allowing Chang and her crew to set aside specific pieces before they arrive.

They enter, and we are waiting for them with the goods they prefer, and we give a friendly welcome. There’s more time to try the products and know the materials. It simply feels more specific. Often, customers walk away with things they did n’t plan to buy, such as accessories like mats, towels and bottles” .&nbsp,

Of course, most of them do end up buying – generally at least three things. ” We always make consumers feel bad or overwhelmed”, said Chang. ” We want to create extended- phrase relationships”.

Make appointments at https ://www.picktime .com/yumiactive.


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